January19 – March 3, 2019
Painting Space 122 is thrilled to reopen its newly renovated gallery with the inaugural exhibition, Plus 2 /pix from 122. Chosen by Painting Space 122 members, the show features two works of eighteen artists who have participated in PS122 Gallery’s history (1978–2011) or were recipients of a Project Space studio. PS122 Gallery is an ongoing program of Painting Space 122 and has provided exhibition space for thousands of artists since 1978 — many whose careers have flourished and others who remain dedicated working artists.
PLUS 2 will run Friday, January 19 through Sunday, March 3.
Reception: Saturday, January 19, 6–8 pm

Elisa D’Arrigo — Trisha Baga — Yvette Cabrera-Vega
Theresa Chong — Judith Croce — Daniel W. Freeman
Alexander Gorlizki —William Graef — Fred Gutzeit
Cynthia Ona Innis — Beom Kim — Patrice Lorenz
Beatrice Muzi — Helen Oji — Robert Paasch
Ashley Prine —Mary Schiliro — Suzanne Unrein
In memoriam: Denyse Thomasos