Upcoming Exhibition
The Emotional Tapestry of Urban Spaces
OPENING Saturday, February 1, 2025 6-8 pm
ON VIEW February 1-23, 2025 Wednesday–Sunday 1–6pm and by appointment
Free Public Events
Seve Favre: Artist Talk and Workshop: “Emotional Mapping” Based on the wheel of emotions, “Emotional mapping” allows participants to become aware of how they feel when they move around a neighbourhood: favourite paths, avoided roads, places that make people happy, places of collective or individual history, geographical points of bad memories. Friday February. 7, 6-8pm & Saturday, Feb 8, 2-4pm
Henrik Langsdorf: Artist talk “Ville Fantôme: from Utopia to the present” In this talk, Langsdorf discusses how the late Congolese artist Bodys Isek Kingelez’s distinctive architectural vision inspired him to imagine Kingelez’s vibrant utopian cityscapes as if they had been constructed, exploring how they might age over decades and how ordinary people might inhabit them. February 23rd 3pm, followed by closing reception 4 – 6pm
Viewing Hours: Wednesday– Sunday, 1- 6 pm and by appointment PS122 Gallery 150 1st Ave New York, NY 10009