Nov 21 – Dec 1
RECEPTION: November 21, 7pm
PS122 Gallery is pleased to announce an exhibition and live event held in conjunction with the launch of the new online magazine, Six Years. The magazine is a project by students of the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College (CCS Bard). Intended as an alternative to the current glut of curatorial writing, Six Years presents readers with contemporary art — images, audio, video, and criticism (criticism is art) — stripped of its mediating text.
As background, a curatorial school puts together an exhibition related to an online magazine. A live event is held as an incentive for the audience. No one sticks to the topic in panel discussions, so forget that. Everyone always stands in the back room talking industry during an artist performance, so that’s out. Boris Groys calls art criticism ‘commentating’. So, let the ‘critics’ give a play-by-play of their favorite performance. That’s performance too.
The event will consist of live commentary on video documentation of historic performances by K8 Hardy, Tom Eccles, Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, and Nato Thompson. The audio of the event will become the exhibition, a meditation on ‘criticality’ that will run in parallel to the online magazine.