RECEPTION: December 13, 5–7pm (free)
As PS122 Gallery has always expanded upon convention, 122 For $122 2008 will defy the norm by granting its walls to a select group of artists and curators. This extraordinary group has gathered to create an exciting collection which will be sold to benefit the gallery. Numbering in 122 artists and pieces, this exhibition will transform the progressive space into a salon which will give great opportunity to artists and collectors alike. The gallery hopes 122 For $122 will provide exposure for artists as well as provide collectors an affordable outlet for new and experimental work. As a special thanks, for a donation of at least $25, the space will be open during the hours of 4 and 5 pm as a preview.

Benefit Art Committee, Artists and Friends:
Katie Archer, Anthony Archibald, Nathan Bennett, Chris Bors, Linda Byrne, Karlos Carcamos, Diane Carr, Eun Young Choi, Nancy Ian L. Cofre, Cohen, Karen Eubel, Chris Fennell, Allen Frame, Andrew Glass, Benjamin Godsill, Ethan Ham, Patty Harris, Carolyn Hopkins, Ketta Ioannidou, Salma Khalil, Lynn Koble, Omar Lopez-Chahoud, Meryl Meisler, Laura Napier, Ann Oren, Julie Peppito, Brad Silk, Larry Silver, Amy Talluto, Robin Tewes, Denyse Thomasos, Joe Tully, Umbrella Arts, d. Yee
Participating Artists:
Katie Archer, Jae-Hi Ahn, Liz Ainslie, Christopher Albert, Fanny Allié, Blanka Amezkua, Markos Andennerbrine, Lauren Baez, Mary Begley, Nathan Bennet, Gail Biederman, Hanna Bluhm, Vincent Bolognini, Chakaia Booker, Chris Bors, Aileen Boyce, Susan Breitsch, Robert Brush, Pam Butler, Linda Byrne, Karlos Carcamo, Diane Carr, Christine Catsifas, Colin Chase, Eun Young Choi, Vincent Ciniglio, Nancy Cohen, Heather Courtney, Catherine Cox, John Craig Freeman, Adam Cruces, Page Davidson, Willie Davis, Tom DeLaney, Eduardo DiFarnecio, Kate Dodd, Brian Michael Dunn, Robert Dupree, Linn Edwards, Rady Elbasna, Chris Fennell, Amy Finkbeiner, Allen Frame, Christopher Frederick, Linda Ganjian, Adres Garcia-Pena, Bonnie Geller Geld, Alice Gibson, Andrew Glass, Abby Goodman, John Goras, Linda Gottesfeld, Sara Greene, Linda Griggs, Lenio Grohmann, Dominick Guida, Ethan Ham, Yoni Hamburger, Johnathan Hamburger, James Harmon, Patty Harris, Erica Hauser, Susan Havens, Kylie Heidenheimer, Linda Herritt, Corin Hewitt, Carolyn Hopkins, Jane Hsu, Scott Wayne Indiana, Ketta Ioannidou, Hong Seon Jang, Wyatt Kahn, Judy Kashman, Tomoko Kawanaka, Gideon Kendall, Seung Ae,Kim, Katy Krantz, Mark Krunsey, Leila, Elisa Lendvay, Christopher Lesnewski, Colleen Longo, Jason Losh, Barbara Lubliner, Tony Luib, Rita MacDonald, Hilary Maslon, Summer McCorckle, Grady McFerrin, Tricia McLaughlin, Meryl Meisler, Christina E. Miles, Mary Jane Montalto, Carlos Motta (The Center for Book Arts), Hiroyuki Nakamura, Laura Napier, Christopher Silas Neal, Margie Neuhaus, Sarah Nichols (The Center of Book Arts), Paul Nowell, Patrick O’Hare, Leah Oates, Lee Young Ok, Ann Oren, Min Ha Park, Young Park, Will Pappenheimer, Carol Peligian, Julie Peppito, Tony Phillips, Nicole Poko, Heidi Pollard, Praxis, Judith Rapheal, Laurie Robinson, Jorge Rojas, Zevan Rosser, Rocco Scary, Ellen Schiff, Norman Shapiro, Paul Shima, Erin Siegal, Brad Silk, Larry Silver, Judy Simonian, Gregory Slick, Johanna Bystron Sms, Aimee Stern, Melissa Stern, Amy Stienbarger, Ryan Sullivan, Anner Svaner, Amy Talluto, Joann a Tam, Jeremiah Teipen, Robi n Tewes, Tom Thayer, Sarah Trigg, Joe Tully, Sarah Vogwill, Joy Whalen, Eleanor White, Jenny Wilson, Nina Yankowitz, Brahna Yassky, Chih-Hua Yeh, Liz Zanis, Aaron Zimmerman, Bryan Zimmerman and others.